- Free Update
What's New?
Adapted for newest Php 8
Added profile tab icon
Change currency position in sponsor and in paid features
Allowed to edit coupons for admin user group
Hide currency field if percentage type selected
Fixed report feature
Fixed user avatar issues
Coupon Sharing App
If you want to save money when shopping, coupon apps are a great way to efficiently and effectively save money on a wide range of purchases. It doesn’t matter if you are looking to save on groceries, clothes, experiences or restaurants, there is likely a coupon of some sort available that can help you keep your hard earned dollars in your wallet. Add ability create coupons for your users, and this usefull content can attract more users to your Phpfox social network. Flexible settings and best design for many features included.
- Beautiful Coupon Home and Coupon Index with many cool blocks of different sorted coupons.
- Manage Coupons, My Favourite, Featured Coupons, Awaiting approving Coupons (for admin only) pages.
- Upcoming Coupons, Expired Coupons, Faq pages
- Browse By Categories page allowing to see all categories and their coupons entries
- 2 types of discount (fixed, percent), Auto Generate Coupon Code (length setup in AdminCP)
- Start date (Upcoming timer in view page) or Expired (show expired message). Support unlimited time.
- Setup quantity and control how many users can apply (support unlimited quantity)
- Latest,Most Applied,Biggest discount, Alphabetic, Most viewed, Most liked, Most discussed filters.
- Add/Edit/Delete/Feature/Make day coupon/Sponsor doc in User interface (for admins same moderation features)
- Auto approve/Approve options by user groups
- Apply Now button which track applied users (Applied users special tab on coupon view)
- Allowed to sell coupons codes using Activity points balance
- Exclude from search, Terms information options during create coupons
- Setup coupon tags, description, photos.
- Add to Favourite (My Favourite page)
- Embed code and Share links (Popular social media) option in view page
- Sponsored feature (using our Emoney app). Buy sponsored for 1 day, 1 week, 1 month (settings in admincp).
- Likes, comments, reports.
- Privacy settings
How Checkout Works?
Our coupon app have ability to purchase Coupon code for user's activity points.
Owner of coupon can setup any price
Admin can enable / disable this feature
Profiles tab
User's created coupons profile tab
Manage Categories (add/edit/delete/feature/add image categories), Featured categories
Manage Coupons (search/approve/delete/view)
Coupons statistic (show many stats of your coupon module, which help you to analize. Allow to select from to dates.)
Huge numbers of Global Settings
User groups settings (many different restrictions)
We will update this product immediately after phpfox released new version
Packages that include this product:
1. Installation Guide
Below are the Installation Steps:
- Install App on the phpFox Store
- Run "Rebuild Core Theme" at AdminCP >> Maintenance
- Clear your cache site (at AdminCP > Maintenance >> Cache Manager)
- Go to Admincp > Apps > Affiliate and configure modules and commissions
2. Upgrade Guide
- Upgrade our latest version.
- Run "Rebuild Core Theme" at AdminCP >> Maintenance
- Clear your cache site (at AdminCP > Maintenance >> Cache Manager)